If you’re like me, you are one of the unfortunate ones. Someone who has never had the pleasure of walking into a gun shop and walking out with the firearm that day. Depending on the distance of the shop and scheduling, this can often be a complete headache. If this happens to you, its time to obtain a Unique Personal Identification Number (UPIN) via Voluntary Appeal File (VAF).
When you apply for the VAF, FBI personnel will research your case and assign you a Unique Personal Identification Number (UPIN) if you have no firearms prohibitions. For future firearms transactions, you will provide your UPIN for your background check. You will still have to undergo a complete background check to buy a firearm, but the UPIN will help to confirm your identity.
The VAF process can take several months. Luckily, this can all be done online.
How to Apply for the VAF
Apply Online – You can apply to the VAF online via eVAF. During the application process, you will receive an email with an encrypted link and pin to access your application. You must log in to the application at least every 90 days for it to remain active.
Paper Applications – A VAF application and fingerprint form can also be obtained online (below).
- Voluntary Appeal File Application
- Standard Fingerprint Form
- Attorney Release Form
- Types of Documents Based on Prohibitor
Submitting Your Fingerprints with the VAF Application
You are required to submit your fingerprints as part of your VAF application. Most local police departments and sheriff’s offices can assist with fingerprints, though you may have to pay a fingerprint fee.
VAF accepts electronic scanned fingerprint images, but you must request your fingerprint agency print you a copy of those images. Submit the copy with your VAF application.
To be considered for the VAF, you must provide the following information on your fingerprint card:
- Full name
- Date of birth
- Signature
If your fingerprint card is insufficient for processing, you will receive a response with instructions for re-submitting.
In depth explanation of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) can be found here -> CLICK HERE